Frequently Asked Questions
About Energy Healing

What is Energy Healing?

Energy healing is a holistic approach that harnesses the power of universal energy to promote healing and enhance well-being. It revolves around the belief that every living being has an energy field or life force, often referred to as "Chi," "Prana," or "Ki." Energy healers work with this subtle energy to restore balance and harmony within the body, mind, and spirit.

What is Sound Healing?

Sound Healing is an ancient practice that employs various sonic frequencies to promote emotional, mental, and physical well-being. It is based on the principle that everything in the universe, including our bodies, is made up of vibrations and energy. By harnessing the power of sound, this transformative modality aims to restore harmony and balance within.

What happens during an energy/sound session?

As an Intuitive, Reiki Master, & Energy Transmuter I work with Spirit Guides & Ascended Masters  to provide effective distant healing that helps to recondition the physical, mental, and spiritual bodies. Unblock, balance & activate your Energy Centers, thus providing you support in discovering your ability to heal & revealing you true authentic self. 

How do you need to prepare for an energy/sound session?

Try to ensure you body is free from alcohol/drugs at least 1-2 days prior to a session and don’t use for a few days after. This gives your body time to heal and allow the energy to flow more freely.

What requirements are needed for a long distance energy/sound session?

Permission to have the energy flow to you and have a sincere willingness to receive and benefit from the energy.
Set a clear intention for yourself during the session.
Be in a quiet space without interruptions so that the energy can flow freely for you to receive.

What should you do after an energy/sound session?

I recommend to journal experiences right away and as things come up over the next week, rest your body, and drink lots of water. 

  • Journaling can be symbols, drawings, full paragraphs, voice notes, or bulleted points of what you have experienced.

  • Rest is extremely important as energy is shifted around the body. You want to give you body the time to recover as it can take 2-3 days after a session things can come up.

  • Water is also important as we are made up of 55-60% water one should replenish as toxins will be flushed out of the system from adjusting energy in your body. 

How often should you do sessions?

It is recommended to do a minimum of 6 sessions weekly or biweekly. This gives your body time to make adjustments in between sessions, see what new may come up, ready the body for the next session. 

(Think of energy work just like you would an injury to the physical body - It takes time to heal that physical body whether it be a cut, surgery or broken bone. Just like the physical body the energetic body takes time to make adjustments and reprogram itself on the healing journey)

This is the ability to connect in with your spirit guides along with mine. Helping to slow the mind and body through meditation. Allowing you the space to connect in with your higher self. Journaling is important in this space after sessions and in between sessions.